Media, Publicity and Outreach

A short guide to Dealing with the Mainstream Media A short version of our standard media guide (below) – read this if you want a basic introduction or a refresher.  Web version |  PDF – 950k

Dealing with the Mainstream Media Most campaigns end up dealing with the mainstream media at some point, whether they choose that contact or are thrust unwillingly into the limelight. This is a guide to getting your message across in the mainstream media, and tips on how to deal with the darker side of the press.  Web version |  PDF – 1.3Mb

A short guide to Good Publicity and Outreach Publicity and outreach are essential tools for communicating campaign messages and getting people involved in taking action. This briefing gives you some tips on how to best get your message across to the public.  Web version |  PDF – 590k

External resources: The Media Trust – guides on PR and dealing with the media. NetAction’s virtual activist – guides to using emails for activism – press releasing, using the web to contact supporters, lobby etc (also available as a  PDF). Rising Tide, the climate change network have excellent How-To guides and other resources, on public speaking and dealing with groups and the media.

Hitchens’s Cosmopolitan journalist ideal