Introducing a new variety of vegan sub-Reddits


New Vegan Sub-Reddits

Cringy Anti-Vegans

Anti-vegans only go to move is cherry picking bad vegan activism and calling it socially uncool, so this is a space for vegans to have fun and build up an archive of anti-vegan cringe. People already perceive anyone spending their time being anti-vegan as especially silly, so looking to draw in some unthinking meat eaters with humor too.



Middle ground space for celebrating or analyzing veganism done well.

I’d like this to be a space for everyone, so as a basis for analyzing it’s hoped people who post can acknowledge it’s at least possible that veganism can be done badly e.g. an unhealthy, not properly planned diet. And in return, any meat-eating posters can acknowledge the possibility for veganism to be done well e.g. reducing your risk for health problems and improving the world.


Vegan vs. Meat Eater

Middle ground space for debate and discussion.



Middle ground space for venting about or critiquing veganism done badly.

I’d like this to be a space for everyone, so as a basis for critiquing it’s hoped people who post can acknowledge it’s at least possible that veganism can be done well e.g. healthily and improve the world. And in return, any vegan posters can acknowledge the possibility for meat-eating to be done well e.g. the majesty of a tribesperson tracking down an animal and cherishing their unwitting sacrifice in culture.



So that makes the lay of the land…

Cool as a cucumber

Neutral ground

Lands of cringe



A taste of the posts on r/ Cringy Anti Vegans

cringy anti vegans 7

Anti Vegans want to kill vegan protesters 2


cringy anti vegans 8

dumpster fire 1




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