The Online Anti-Vegan Phenomemon; Calls to violence, lies and abuse to try to stem the vegan tide.




Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Profile
  • Promoting violence
  • Abuse towards people
  • Prolific liar
    • Lies defaming specific people
    • Lies to make all vegans sound violent
    • Lies to try and win the ethical argument
    • Other lies simply looking for sympathy
  • Paranoiac, propagandist or both?
  • History
  • Conclusion
  • How easy it was to figure it was him coming back to spread abuse and defeation each time

  • Proof of his lying
    • Pyro Refutes Pyro
    • Google Refutes Pyro
  • Sources
    • Promoting violence
    • Abuse towards people
    • Lies defaming specific people
    • Lies to make all vegans sound violent
    • Lies to try and win the ethical argument
    • Other lies simply looking for sympathy
    • Paranoiac, propagandist or both?
    • History




This is the profile of a prolific anti-vegan troll who spreads malicious lies all around the internet and wastes people time with his numerous alt accounts.

Originally written as a small catalogue of his go to lies to help people spot the signs and for people to link out so they can help others be informed and decide for themselves whether they want to engage or host him in their online communities.

Since then it’s grown into a study of how anti-vegan reactionaries hope to spread further ignorance around the web.

He’s also a walking libel case if ever his defamation caused damages, the number of specific people he’s pretended have threatened to kill him, attempted to murder him, etc.

Finally there’s a very real concern of either himself being mentally ill and willing to commit violence, when he’s saying vegans need to be assassinated and painting all vegans as wanting to kill non-vegans, or otherwise at risk of inciting someone else to commit violence.

I’m not including links to their platforms, real names or locations as I neither want to promote them, dox them or personally attack them.




Currently going by  InternalOne, Doomsday and Conan. Previous incarnations that we know of include Pyrobotnik, bosspyro88, bigbossomni, The Militant Vegan, deadeye68, Satansride, DAVEWISHENGRAD, Count Chompula, wolvenstorm1234, Tailend, zeroofthree, rustyschakleford010, bastardofthebear, durinson, SpecialReference, cronosofthewall, DifficultDog5, sonofdurin8910, forgedinfire725 and 6irongunslinger.

Pyro is a heavy metal fan sporting bandana and long hair, lover of independently brewed hops, avid video game player, enthusiast of animal predator kills plus human hunting videos and disgruntled worker of sympathetically shit jobs like stacking shelves.

Most habitually he is a watcher of everything vegan on YouTube and commenter of great imagination.

It’s clear the internet has become his main source of entertainment, either through not having the funds to pay for a TV subscription or the only thing they’re accustomed to using it for is Fox News, so use YouTube in much the same way, thinking that one SJW they’ve found is the archetype of every modern social movement today, or some punks from the 90s setting free mink from fur farms are the number one threat in our global war on terror.

Pretty much they line up with every status quo conservative talking point which says any change must be bad. Which speaks to why they use moral relativism when it comes to veganism; their dark gothic soul just doesn’t want to accept that anything which is easily moved away from and bad for the planet is necessarily immoral to participate in, if it brings some pleasure to the individual.



Promoting Violence

  • “Singer needs to be assasinated” [1]
  • “I’d like to hold singers head under water until the bubbles stopped” [2]
  • “someone please shoot vegan gains” [3]
  • To the youtuber Ask Yourself; “you’re a monster like he is and should be put down” [4]
  • “A privileged vegan looks like a dyke. That bitch should take a permanent vacation. . . A privileged vegan needs a good dicking.” [5]
  • Anti-vegans should form a counter group to open rescues, being pro castle doctrine for being able to kill any trespassers on sight and saying his intuition would be to “light up” the protesters. [6] [7] [8]
  • Police should kill vegan terrorists on sight (anyone who takes one chicken as part of DxE’s open rescues is a terrorist according to him). [9]



Abuse towards people

  • “I will put you in your place one of these days. . . gedo it will happen and I will break every bone in your body” [10]
  • Guessing I have an imaginary wife and daughter so he could spook me with the idea we’ll all end up murdered (pretty specific guess aha). [11]
  • “dude someone is gonna cave your skull in and I hope I see it fucking cunt vegan” [12]
  • “Can’t wait for someone to beat you to death” [13]
  • “you’re welcome to visit me farm well outside it unless you wanna get knee-capped.” [14]
  • “go eat a bullet its vegan and you should do it before someone force feeds you one for your attitude” [15]
  • “oh eat a bullet lil boy” [16]
  • “you should probably consume a bullet totally vegan” [17]
  • Told a guy to kill himself with a drug overdose. [18]
  • In response to a hypothetical; “Go ahead lil cunt kill dogs hopefully you get caught and get your rectum resized in jail” [19]
  • Threats of having gone to the FBI, the police are on their way (not an insignificant risk of death by cop anywhere), again with the “enjoy getting your anus re-sized in lock up” or starting long imaginary court cases with fees that would bankrupt the person. [20]



Lies defaming specific people

  • Claims Wayne Hsiung threatened to kill a staff member of whole foods at a public protest. [21]
  • Claims Vegan Gains was convicted for death threats, gun charges and conspiracy to commit a violent crime. As well as having threatened to rape people.  [22] [23]
  • Claims Joey Carbstrong threatened to beat him to death with a baseball bat. [24]
  • Claims I doxed his home address, sent him and got other people to send letters to his door with death threats, a suspicious package (suggesting a bomb) and had his house swatted twice in an attempted murder by cop, now he’s claiming I “like to harass women” and have been blocked by people “for being creepy and or perverted.” [25] [26]
  • Claims the YouTubers Bite Size Vegan, Earthling Ed and Joey Carbstrong are all on crystal meth. [27] [28]
  • Claims the YouTubers Ask Yourself and Vegan Gains are self-hating gays in a secret relationship together, who as a result are both misogynistic and very racist. One having called him a nigger for 3 minutes straight and the other hating middle eastern folk. [29] [30]
  • Claims 7 other specific people that I know of on YouTube and Reddit threatened to kill him. [31] [32] [33]



Prolific Liar

Lies to make all vegans sound violent

  • Hunt sab pulled a knife out on him from 50 meters away after shouting back and forth to each other, and starts walking menacingly towards pyro who was holding a loaded hunting rifle, who didn’t stop after pyro fired a warning shot in the air, and only stopped after pyro pulled out his Smith and Wesson and fired at his feet. And pyro got him put away for 6 years. [34]
  • Farmer and seller of 50 cows, 20 lambs and 200 chickens a year, who was targeted by the ALF who tried “blowing up some of my farming equipment, stealing livestock and even attempting to harm me and my family.” [35]
  • Claims hordes of non-specific vegans are sending him death threats whose identities he’s gallantly protecting, no matter how many people ask. [36]


Lies to try and win the ethical argument

  • Tails of his grandmother being a holocaust survivor who finds the comparison to what animals are put through disgusting.
  • Tells a guy he’s eaten raw meat most nights for the last 7 years in order to convince that person it’s ‘natural’.
  • He’s portrayed himself as a guy who only eats what meat he hunts or only free range, but in response to undercover footage of a pig writhing around on the floor after having it’s throat slit, he responds “boo fucking whooo” or to the multiple spiked hooking of tuna fish as “looks tasty”.
  • And he’s taken on the character of concerned father for his vegan daughter who has started to lash out at family then returns into the meat eating fold, becomes normal again when she realizes she doesn’t have the genes to be healthy on a fully vegan diet.
  • Claimed he met Peter Singer at a book signing that he went to with his ex-girlfriend who was vegan and considered hitting him for his views on the ethics of private health care at end of life.


Other lies simply looking for sympathy

  • In 2016 said his health was failing and posts an x-ray from a medical article of the narliest looking lung cancer he could find of a 62-year-old male who’d been a lifetime chronic smoker. And again over a year ago said he’s terminally ill with cancer and uses ASMR to cry himself to sleep when the meds fail.
  • Said he had a crazy stalker who was an ex co-worker that inundated him with crazy texts one day out of the blue, green with jealousy at his wife, sent him a box of her underwear covered in period blood, was arrested after he went to his attorney and put away for 6 months.
  • Told people he worked crime scene clean up’s and that his sister was killed by a stray bullet.
  • Says he has a half Vietnamese adult daughter who’s gay. Hilariously he would have had to have the baby when he was around 10 years old.



Paranoiac, propagandist or both?

  • In response to a meme of a vegan shooting a non-vegan; “I truly think vegans want to do this.”
  • In response to a bearing video on white guilt; “we are in the beginnings of what will be a civil war”
  • “At this point im tired I’ve been doxxed harassed and the like. I’m done with dealing with the threats. I live in a castle doctrine state so do it or move on…”
  • Took on the character of “the militant vegan” for 2 months who worshiped Ask Yourself, eager to try and serve all his wishes and respond to his suggestions to create drama on their behalf.




In 2015 we can see him telling massive over the top lies to his school friends to gain sympathy like that he’s coughing up blood and posting pictures from medical journals of patients with late-stage lung cancer. I assume some sympathetic tragedy befell them like the love of their life dumped them or someone died tragically, but either way I guess when people he knew in real life grew wise and he ran out of people to fool, he turned to random people online for sympathy. So began; I was victimized by vegan terrorists who tried to blow up my imaginary farm equipment and ran at me with a knife while out hunting. And to really see himself as a hard case, and unyielding hero of his own imaginary story, he loves to write that he lives in a castle doctrine state and eagerly waiting for the day a vegan makes good on the floods of imaginary death threats he gets each day.

As for why veganism? It started off with him watching videos of bad vegan advocates he identifies as extremists; like the youtuber Vegan Gains sociopathy and theatrical threats, the youtuber Freelee saying it’s better for the world when meat eaters die rather than continue harming animals, videos of vegan activists causing property damage under the name Animal Liberation Front and Peter Singer’s ableism plus being against private medical expenses that could be used for charity. As well as liking videos he’s identifying with; Amazing Atheist and others poking fun, Unnatural Vegan’s inoffensive consumerist critiques of other vegans, hardworking small scale farmers, slaughterhouse workers and skilled hunters.

He enjoys hating on people in the comments, threatening to break every bone in a person’s body, knee cap them, etc. Making comments encouraging political violence; “Singer needs to be assassinated”, “someone please shoot vegan gains”, etc.

In 2017 Ask Yourself makes a video with an April fool’s joke title saying “I was wrong about veganism,” where he sarcastically pokes fun at the masses of bizarre comments from Pyro as winning him over to seeing the error of his ways about veganism and accepting Pyro’s diagnosis of him as a narcissist.

In October he finds a home in the anti-vegan sub-reddit as the best place to hate on a group with other people and feel superior. Posting to vegan sub-reddits asking what reason do vegans think they have to tell people their decisions are better than everyone else’s? And why are you extremists? Then making up a bunch of crazy anecdotes to literally try to appear to be the better person you should sympathise with based on feelings while demonizing all vegans.

In February 2018 he joins the Philosophical Vegan Forum because we were critiquing Ask Yourself, then proceeds to almost immediately get offended a lot because vegans have the crazy idea that it would be good for everyone who can, to go vegan, calling people cunts for completely arbitrary things like merging comments for formatting clarities sake.

Then he joins the vegan YouTuber Ask Yourself’s discord so that he can start captioning every post on the forum to serve Ask Yourself out of some strange logic of revenge because we offended him more recently than Ask Yourself did a year ago. He creates multiple accounts on discord, twitter and the forum. Incessantly attacks PhiloVegan and me every day in these barely comprehensible rants at the same time trying to waste everyones time on the forum. He admits to scoping out my personal Facebook page, so I talk to him for 2 hours over voice chat to try to humanize myself to the guy and calm him down from this obsession he was spending all his time on. Finally he goes away because he stupidly outs himself by pretending to be friends with an alt account we know is him by the IP address, so he leaves every vegan server and deletes his twitter.

Right at the end of all the months of this happening I noticed a post on reddit describing the events of joining the forum and exactly what he posted about, so I searched his reddit name, and his Instagram came up, which shows pictures of him, and what do you know it’s the same guy as in the videos of an already renowned anti-vegan YouTube troll.

So I post an index of common lies he tells in the sub-reddits he’s frequented to help people recognize him and decide whether they want to engage or host him.

He lies that he’s called the cops, knows they’re on their way and I’ll be hearing from his lawyer, legitimately imagining that he could spook me with the idea that I’m at risk of police harming me, jail or bankruptcy from a long court process.

Goes on to publically talk about me as the guy he’s suing who sent a suspicious package to his door, suggesting a bomb and had his house swatted twice in an attempted murder by cop.

I expand the index into this article, he posts one last time under the original reddit account to the anti-vegan sub-reddit, pretending it’s not him. Changes his name and deletes all his videos on YouTube, and starts creating new reddit accounts to post from, sometimes two at a time. He deletes or stops posting to the accounts every time I comment to mention his backstory, so not to mind being told to go commit suicide or expect to be murdered, or simply reminding the mods that he’s back in a place he was previously banned from.

During this time he comes up with long propaganda fairy tales lying to his own anti-vegan buddies about inconsiderate vegan family members, random shit like having an adult daughter he’d had to have had when he was around 10 years old at most. Also the 10s of imaginary death threats from vegans he’s receiving by posting to a meat eating guys sub-reddit, accusing the guy Pete of creating a safe space for vegans that caused the abuse in some bizarre carnist purity spiral because he wouldn’t take his side when Pyro was insulting vegans for no other reason than his fragile ego.

Finally an admission of the timeline of accounts over 3 years, plus a retraction of calls to violence, abuse and defamation in return for me taking down this article. But he goes back to spreading the same lies soon after.




I wish he was capable of having an honest conversation about his motivations and lies, he has obviously gotten himself wrapped up in believing he is a force for good in trying to hold back veganism, and in a shallow sort of way I’m sure he is succeeding in spreading further ignorance, just a conversation on that kind of internet culture alone would be interesting to have.

Any feedback or stories anyone wishes to add please feel free to comment below and link this page out to start a conversation where you think it would be useful. Again this is not meant to be an attack piece, I encourage anyone who has the will and time to try and befriend the guy, help him evaluate his own actions and bring him back to real life, to figure out what he can begin to want and aim for again.



How easy it was to figure it was him coming back to spread abuse and defemation each time

YouTube, Facebook and Instagram – Video and photos of Pyro

YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Reddit – Same username, same stories about being terminally ill, death threats from Joey Carbstrong, ALF, dog biting, home brewing and hunting. Will comment about videos on Reddit with fewer than a 100 views then turn up in the youtube comments at the same time.

Reddit and PhilosophicalVegan – Talked about coming onto the forum on Reddit and then came back with the same IP address for multiple.

PhilosophicalVegan and Discord – Gave himself away by trying to substantiate alt characters stories for which we knew were him by the IP address, then immediately deleted all his accounts.






Proof of His Lying

Pyro Refutes Pyro



Google Refutes Pyro






Promoting violence







Abuse towards people






Lies defaming specific people





Lies to make all vegans sound violent





Lies to try and win the ethical argument










Other lies simply looking for sympathy





Paranoiac, propagandist or both?










